3 Myths Holding Businesses Back From Important Social Media Training

by | Jul 21, 2015 | IT Services

It is amazing how often very highly respected business professionals and leaders misunderstand the importance of social media and digital marketing in their overall company growth and profit.

These same business leaders will bring in the latest in sales and marketing motivational speakers, but they fail to see the importance in social media training. As one of my areas of professional experience and expertise, I can state without hesitation these ideas of the lack of value in social media comes from three myths that are wildly repeated throughout marketing departments in companies of all sizes.

By examining these three myths and learning the reality, the importance of the training becomes evident. Since it is highly applicable and engaging, employees are incredibly involved throughout the presentation and immediately put in place the strategies we cover in the session.

Myth1: Everyone knows how Social Media Works

Most business with social media presence, regardless of the specific social networking site, are only using a fraction of the potential for sales lead generation and B2B or B2C sales.

This is because most people may know how to tweet, post or comment, but they don’t know the language, the format, and the techniques to turn that post into a lead generator.

Myth 2: Social Media Marketing is Ineffective

This is not a myth in any company not actively providing social media training for their sales force and employees. This one is actually a reality as the social media programs are not structured to coordinate across all sites and do not drive traffic back to the corporate website.

By participating in my training, your staff will have that knowledge, and you will see the positive impact of these strategically designed and focused campaigns.

Myth 3: Consumers only Shop by Price

This is one of the most prevalent myths I hear, but one that is based on outdated types of marketing research. Particularly with millennials, companies that demonstrate corporate responsibility, contribute to their communities, and have programs in place to better the world around them are preferred over a company offering a low price only.

More globally responsible consumers are shopping around, particularly for larger purposes, and carefully choosing not just the product by the company. Through social media training and the development of effective corporate profiles, you can provide consumers with the information they need to make you their company of choice.

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